HackAP - ChemTech
ā hub (AU Incubation Center), Alcove Partners, TiE Vizag are happy to announce the fourteenth hackathon of our HackAP series of hackathons with the theme of ChemTech.
Venue: AU Incubation Center (ā-Hub)
Registration Start Date: 17 February 2025
Registration End Date: 9 PM Saturday 15 March 2025
PoC Submission End Date: 9 PM Saturday 22 March 2025
Participation Fee: Free
Theme: ChemTech
Team Size: Minimum 2 to a maximum of 4 members per team
Eligibility: Open to all
Area of Focus: Chemistry and Chemical Engineering
Awareness Session: Tentatively scheduled for 10:30 AM, Sat 27 March 2025
  • Top 3 teams with a working solution will be awarded prizes.
  • Some winners can also expect incubation support in the form of space, mentoring, internships, job offers and more.
  • All participating teams that are present for the Valedictory will be awarded certificates of participation.
  • Workspace for participating teams on Sunday 30 March 2025 from 9 AM
  • Wi-Fi access (participants may also want to bring their own dongles in case they find the Wi-Fi speeds to be slow).
  • Refreshments, lunch & drinking water.
27 March 2025 (Online)- awareness session (tentative date)
  • 9:30 AM: Inaugural
    Address by organizers - 6 minutes (2 minutes each)
    Rules explained - 10 minutes
    Q&A - 10 minutes
  • 10 AM: Hackathon launch
30 March 2025(in-person at the ā hub)
  • 9:00 AM: Report to the ā-Hub first floor
  • 2:00 PM: Solutions submission deadline
  • 2:00 - 3:00 PM: Judges decide top 5 teams
  • 3:00 - 4:00 PM: Presentations by top-5 teams
  • 4:00 - 4:30 PM: Judges deliberate
  • 4:30 PM - 5:00 PM: Awards and Valedictory
  • The hackathon begins from the moment teams register. So, the sooner your team registers, the more time you will have to work on the problem statements. Once the submission deadline ends, the top 15-25 teams will be invited to appear for the finals on Sunday, 30th March.
  • All teams invited to the finals should report in person to the AU Incubation Center (ā hub) at 9 AM. Late comers may lose their spot to standby teams or face space limitations.
  • The problem statements can be found here (PDF). An awareness meet will be held before the launch of the hackathon.
  • Participating teams are to find a solution to any one of the problems. For this edition teams can submit their solutions to up to two problems. Participants should submit prototypes or a functional simulation of their solution.
  • The solutions must be the own work of participating teams.
  • Participants should have their own laptops and any other equipment that will help them develop a solution.
  • In phase 1 of the hackathon, teams will submit their presentation and a video demonstrating their solution. This must be completed by the registration deadline as only the top 15-25 teams selected in the first round will be invited to the finals on 30 March.
  • At the finals, the invited teams will present their solution in person to the judges. This will involve a live demo of the solution. Each team will be given a maximum of 5 minutes to present their solution.
  • NOTE: If the judges do not believe the proposed MVP/Prototype/PoC of a team is up to the mark, they will NOT invite such teams to the finals. Hence the range of “top 15-25 teams”.
  • ONLYparticipating teams that are present for the valedictory will be awarded certificates of participation.
  • You can join the HackAP Hackathon group to receive notifications for this and other hackathons: Invite
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