Deepak Madala

Dr. Deepak S. Madala has wide experience in Design, Development and Deployment of Technology solutions. He was part of the Senior Management at Acclaris, the industry leader in CDH Financial Technology and Services from its founding in 2001 to over 600+ employees in 2 countries and 5 locations. Dr. Madala as Director, Infrastructure & Regional Operations headed Offshore Infrastructure and Information Security functions besides heading Global Service delivery from Visakhapatnam, India. Dr. Madala has been instrumental in bringing all the I.T and Electronics associations in the state of Andhra Pradesh under one umbrella and formation of THE-AP/ITAAP. He is the Past President of Technology, Hardware and Electronics Association of Andhra Pradesh . He has been actively engaging with the Industry, State and Academia for the growth of I.T companies in AP. He graduated from BITS Pilani, worked in interdisciplinary research areas of Human Physiology, Operations Research and Ergonomics and obtained a Ph.D. from the University of Oklahoma in Industrial Engineering.
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